

Blog posts

Wednesday 8 March 2017

The Sunshine Blogger Award / Leibster Award

Let's face it, blogging is hard work no matter how much you enjoy it. It always takes me ten times longer than I think! It is therefore so rewarding and motivating when people tell you they find your posts useful, or how much they enjoy your content, and especially lovely when you receive a blog-to-blog award! I love these things, not only does it help people link in to your own / other interesting blogs, it provides such a huge boost of encouragement to continue doing what you do. 
I was lucky enough to receive both the Liebster award by my lovely friend HonestBrideGuide and then more recently the Sunshine Blogger award by LaPetiteRose!

The rules for both are as follows: 

  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave to you
  3. Nominate at least 5, but no more than 11 bloggers who deserve the award
  4. Tell those bloggers you nominated them!
  5. Create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer.
Thank you both so much and here goes with a combined bash at the questions...

My questions from the Leibster Award (which I am very late in answering!): 
  1. Where does your heart call home? Epsom but also Putney!
  2. If you had £100 to spend in one day, what would you spend it on? Obviously makeup!!! (Most likely a Tom Ford lipstick)
  3. What is your happiest memory of 2016? My wedding day!
  4. What restaurant would you recommend to your followers? Roxie steakhouse 
  5. What are you looking forward to in 2017? Buying our first house, if it ever happens, it is taking forever! And one of my oldest/best friends weddings (HonestBrideGuide
  6. What 3 films would you tell your readers to watch on a cold January evening? The Holiday (who cares if it isn't christmas), Pretty woman & Trainwreck. Trainwreck might just be my favourite film ever. 
  7. Tell me about your favourite holiday destination! Dominican Republic - Dreams La Romana - my husband and I went on our first holiday together and then honeymoon, it is literally heaven. Take me back.
  8. What did you have for lunch today? Salad. Zzzzzz!
  9. What is your vice? SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY ON MAKEUP!!
  10. What is your favourite thing about blogging? Sharing my excitement about particular products, and also when people tell me they have found something useful :-)
My questions from the Sunshine Blogger Award: 

  1. What was the best part of today? I had a really rewarding session with a patient on my ward today which made my day! I love my job, but it's also always lovely to come home and see my little family (cats and husband!)
  2. Who are you grateful for today? My amazing husband, family and friends
  3. Where were you when you last saw a rainbow? I can't actually remember it was so long ago, boo!
  4. Where did you see the best sunset you'd ever seen? Down on a ranch in the Grand Canyon with my family. Unbelievable. 
  5. Where did you last go on holiday? To Vienna to see Justin Bieber, because I'm cool like that.
  6. Where would you go for the rest of today if you could go anywhere in the world and travel was instant? Probably NYC!
  7. What was the last good book you read? I don't really read, I try but I have the attention span of a 2 year old.
  8. Who is your favourite blogger? The Anna Edit.
  9. Marmite, love or hate? HATE
  10. Why did you start your blog? To share my passion about makeup and skincare and to hopefully help others with tips and tricks that I've learnt along the way! I also want to start doing more makeup courses and possibly go into some form of makeup job in the future. 
  11. Aside from your blog, do you do any other writing? No! Other than my medical notes at work!


I have decided to nominate the following people for the Sunshine Blogger award: 

My questions if you would like to take part!

1. What is your all time favourite film?
2. Do you have any holidays planned this year?
3. What's the most expensive makeup or skincare item you've ever purchased?!
4. Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
5. How do you unwind in the evenings?
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
7. Do you have a nickname?
8. Who is your idol?
9. What is your favourite song at the moment?
10. If you could invite 3 people (alive or not) to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
11. What is your most used emoji?


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